My Research
My research focuses on a variety of topics from the fields of
computational topology, computational geometry, and network & graph theory.
I particularly enjoy extending techniques in topological data analysis, or
applying topological & geometric descriptors to machine learning pipelines.
Often, I am interested in utilizing these techniques in the context of real world
and applied settings.
Keywords: topological data analysis, topological and geometric descriptors,
manifold learning, topological machine learning, network theory
Current Projects
Reach out to learn more about any of the projects I am currently working on.
Multi-Channel Image Classification using the WECT.
The Weighted Euler Characteristic Transform (WECT) is a popular
topological representation of image data in classification tasks.
Under the direction of Prof. Brittany Fasy, Prof. Jessi Cisewski-Kehe, and Dr. Alex McCleary,
I am working on extensions that allow us to use this topological
descriptor in more general settings.
Graphical Network Representations and DSGRN.
Under the direction of Prof. Tomas Gedeon and Elizabeth Andreas,
I am working on combining the extensive theory of the DSGRN framework
with theory in evaluating the dynamics of graphical representations of networks.
A Geometric Simulation of Prostate Biopsy Slide Images.
Topological machine learning algorithms have proven useful in the grading
of prostate cancer biopsy images.
However, a bottleneck in these processes is access to sufficient volumes of data.
We present a geometric and stochastic model for generating synthetic biopsy slide images.
Selected Projects, Publications, and Preprints
B. Holmgren, E. Quist, J. Schupbach, B. T. Fasy, and B. Rieck.
The Manifold Density Function: An Intrinsic Method for the Validation of Manifold Learning.
February 2024.
preprint: arXiv:2402.09529
Keywords: manifold learning, algorithm validation, Ripley's $K$-function, hypersurfaces
J. Cisewski-Kehe, B. T. Fasy, D. Giriyan, E. Quist.
The Weighted Euler Characteristic Transform for Image Shape Classification.
July 2023.
preprint: arXiv:2307.13940
Keywords: topological data analysis, persistent homology, image data, shape analysis, classification
B. McCoy, E. Quist, A. Schenfisch.
Catching Polygons.
2021 Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry.
preprint: arXiv:2201.01286
Keywords: line arrangements, nets, computational geometry, optimization
E. Quist, D. Millman.
A Probabilistic Approach to GPS Art.
2021 AMSA Research Symposium, 2021 MSU Student Research Celebration.
Awards and Appointments
- MSU School of Computing Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher, May 2024
- Reviewer for La Matematica, March 2024
- Panel Moderator for the Career Discussions Panel at MSU Topology for Data Science (T4DS) Workshop, April 2023
- MSU Nominee, Computing Research Association Outstanding Undergraduate Award, October 2021
Supporting Grants
I have received support (directly or indirectly) from the following grants.
- QuBBD: Collaborative Research: Quantifying Morphologic Phenotypes in Prostate Cancer - Developing Topological Descriptors for Machine Learning Algorithms,
National Science Foundation 1664858
- FRG: Collaborative Research: Statistical Approaches to Topological Data Analysis that Address Questions in Complex Data, National Science Foundation 1854336
- CAREER: Topological Descriptors, National Science Foundation 2046730
- Intrinsic Validation of Manifold Learning Techniques, Montana State University Undergraduate Scholars Program, October 2023 - May 2024
- A Probabilistic Approach to GPS Art, Montana State University Undergraduate Scholars Program, May 2021 - December 2021
The following talks were all given in the seminar or book club of the
MSU Computational
Topology and Geometry Research Group
- Paper Presentation; Demystifying Latschev's Theorem: Manifold Reconstruction from Noisy Data; Majhi, 3/25/24
- Paper Presentation; Isometric Deformation Modelling for Object Recognition; Smeets, Fabry, Hermans, Vandermeulen, and Suetens, 12/5/23
- Research Update; The Weighted Euler Characteristic Transform for Image Shape Classification, 11/1/23
- Paper Presentation; A Concise and Provably Informative Multi-Scale Signature Based on Heat Diffusion; Sun, Ovsjanikov, and Guibas, 10/11/23
- Paper Presentation; A Survey on Shape Correspondence; van Kaick, Zhang, Hamarneh, Cohen-Or, 9/7/23
- Research Update; Intrinsic Validation of Manifold Learning Techniques, 7/18/23
- Paper Presentation; FibeRed: Fiberwise Dimensionality Reduction of Topologically Complex Data with Vector Bundles; Scoccola and Perea, 6/27/23
- Book Club; Oriented Matroids and Linear Programming, 6/22/23
- Book Club; Introduction to Oriented Matroids, 6/8/23
- Paper Presentation; The Christoffel-Darboux Kernel for Topological Data Analysis; Hoefgeest and Slot, 4/24/23 - 5/1/23
- Paper Presentation; Shortest Paths in Portalgons; Löffler, Ophelders, Staals, and Silveira, 2/15/23
- Foundations; Toplogical Spaces, Metric Spaces, and Path Connectedness, 11/30/22
- Foundations; The Interleaving Distance, 10/18/22
- Foundations; The Konigsberg Bridge Problem and Euler Characteristics, 9/7/22
- Foundations; Algorithm Validation and Geodesic Precision/Recall, 4/23/22
- Foundations; Principal Component Analysis and Motivations for Manifold Learning, 2/12/22
- Foundations; The Fréchet Distance, 9/23/21